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Automated Credit Notes

When issuing a credit note, the supplier is essentially agreeing to return a partial or full sum of money to the buyer depending on the initial terms of agreement if the transaction has already taken place.

What We Do

B2B Credit Notes

A credit note, also known as a credit memo, is a financial document which are used by companies supplying their goods and services to B2B customers to specify a reduction in the amount which needs to be paid i.e. an invoicing error, problems with goods and services supplied or a cancellation/termination of purchase.
Scenario 1


Order Cancellation & Outstanding Balance

For instance, if a Supplier Invoices for Goods valued at £1000 but later finds their business customer wishes to cancel the order and has not yet paid the outstanding balance then the supplier can simply issue a credit note equalling that amount (although there may be deductions for delivery of product etc) to the business customer which effectively nullifies the original Invoice. If however the original balance of £1000 has been paid during that time then the Supplier would simply issue a credit note and refund the agreed amount, again less any costs incurred by the supplier in delivering the products and/or services.
Scenario 2


Accidental Overcharging

Or, let’s suggest the Supplier accidentally overcharged their business customer by 20% in the case of the above example. A partial credit note for the negative sum of -£200 would be issued to the business customer which would then effectively correct the outstanding balance and the customer would simply pay the £800 difference. If however the business customer had paid their original invoice in full i.e. £1000 then the supplier could simply refund the £200 difference or discount the £200 from a future Invoice if agreed by the business customer (if you collaborate on a monthly basis for example).

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What Should a Credit Note Include?

A credit note should include all necessary information for admin and recording purposes for both you and your customer.

Date of Credit Note Issue
Credit Note Number
Customer Reference Number
Payment Terms
Contract Details
Reasons for Issuing the Credit Note
Credit Note
Date: 01/01/23
Credit No. 0914
Customer Ref. 032142
99Small Box-£1.50

Accurate Accounting Records


Error Check


Note Builder

Legal Document

Accurate Accounting Records

A Credit Note is essentially a legal document that allows Companies to lawfully amend an invoice, without having to delete or alter it. As all invoices must be kept for audit purposes, the credit note allows companies to keep an accurate accounting records without amending any of the document history whilst notifying/promising to the business customer that an amount of money will either be returned or adjusted in a subsequent transaction.
Eliminate Human Error

Automated Error Checking

Invoice Claims can help make the process of issuing credit notes to a customer a seamless task. Firstly, our Invoice Booster enables you to check for potential invoicing errors before you send the final draft to your business customer. This will prevent you from having to issue a credit note which will cause more administrative work.
Our Bespoke Software

Credit Note Builder

In the event however that a credit note is required then you can simply generate a credit note in seconds using our bespoke systems, Invoice Claims & Invoice Booster. Data inputted from the original invoice is used to readily autocomplete the relevant credit note fields. Once you're satisfied with your custom built credit note, we will send it directly to your business customer. You can then flag the original invoice as void or partially paid and link it to a credit note to make the accounting process much simpler when filing accounts later down the line.
Credit Note



Credit No.


Customer Ref.


99Small Box-£1.50
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